Welcome to the Bancoora MTB website

Remoteness of the Antimony Mine Ruins - Coimadai

Welcome to my mountain biking web page which documents some of the mountain bike rides I have undertaken, provides information on other trails and provides links to other information on the web. The website mainly provides information on Victorian MTB rides but also has some interstate and international information as well as general interest information.

I have always loved bikes and, in earlier days, went on to do a lot of road and touring rides on road bikes which entailed some 'dirt' riding as well due to mountain bikes being non existent at the time. In 2008, I had a three month break from work and happened to pick up a book by Kieran Ryan. The book detailed a number of mountain bike rides in Victoria. It inspired me to re-visit a town called Blackwood where our family used to have a holiday house and which I used to visit regularly by bike. On a basic mountain bike, I readily connected to this new found sport and haven't looked back since.

Mountain biking is a great sport which combines our great outdoors with options for dowhnhill adrenalin-filled runs or long cross country cruises. This sport has taken me to many Victorian, interstate and international locations since. The pictures on this page are evidence of that. Have a dig around the website and see where will it can take you.

Website history

Beautiful Lerderderg River - Blackwood

The website was set up when I first got into mountain biking in response to the lack of consolidated information for Victorian mountain bikers. I have included photos of each of the trails ridden as most other websites broadly describe the trail but provide few, if any pictures of the trail. This allows you to get a feel as to what the trails are like before heading out there.

More recently, I have been taking some basic video footage of the trails so you can get an even better feel for the nature of the trails prior to riding them. These can be accessed via the website and at the TheMTBChannel on YouTube. Where I haven't ridden the trail yet, I have provided links to websites with local information.

The website is totally a personal effort and the website has no commercial affiliations with any of the commercial enterprises referenced on the website.

How to use the website

Family Friendly O'Shannassy Aqueduct Trail

The top menu is used to access the main subjects such as trails, skills, etc. A second sub menu may appear just below the main menu which will provide further options based on the context of the current webpage. You can readily return to the top level by using the main menu.

Generally, each trail will have trail information, maps showing how to get to the trail and any links. Further to this, each trail may have videos, gpx files for GPS, trail maps and any further information where available.

Keiran Ryan has a number of books available which make good companions to this website. Please refer to the publications section for further details.

Try The New Google Earth Interface

A map for use with Google Earth.

Please try out the Google Earth interface which allows Victoria to be viewed as a whole or right down to individual trails. Clicking once on town or trail icons will take you directly to the relevant page on the Bancoora website so you can drill down and get the relevant information on trails, how to get there, etc. This all occurs within the Google Earth interface which effectively acts as a browser before returning to the map interface

If you don't have the Google Earth interface, it can be downloaded here. Download the zip file containing the .kml file for Google Earth by clicking here or on the image at left. Once downloaded, extract the .kml file from the zip file and open it using Google Earth and away you go.

A lot of work has gone into developing the interface so please respect the copyright for this which allows the free distribution of the .kml file for use by individuals and groups on a not for profit basis. If distributing, please link to this page so others are aware of this.


View from the Redesdale MTB Circuit

Please feel free to provide information for inclusion on the website as a number of the rides have been documented from such information. It is then available for all to reference. All contributions will be acknowledged on the website.

Please feel free to contact me if you wish to correspond about any of the trails, add any comments to my notes or contribute further to the web site.

All information is provided by myself to further the sport of mountain biking so please provide constructive feedback where you can. I hope you get some value from the information provided and experience some of the great rides we have in this state and beyond. Have a look under the Website Info section for any recent additions to the site.